Opportunities for Retaining Staff

I read an interesting article on EHS Today regarding Workplace Trends Leaders Should Watch in 2024. The article claims that “64% said employees were given additional job responsibilities”.  I am sure that most of these individuals were not given a raise or compensated for the additional workload or stresses. The source used for EHS Today’s article is a recently released Gallop Poll that you can download for free here: https://www.gallup.com/workplace/349484/state-of-the-global-workplace.aspx

Now, I understand and can appreciate the need to have your team do more to pick up the slack, but pushing your team harder for extended periods only results in burnout, job dissatisfaction, and turnover, which will cost the company more money in the long run.  If it is genuinely needed to solve a short-term problem, discuss it with your team and ensure they understand this is a short-term solution until the influx in work subsides or more staff can be brought on board.

Some interesting points that the Gallop Poll brings to light:

1. Only 23% of the workforce is “Thriving” at work, with 77% either Quiet or Loud Quitting.

2. 44% of the workforce reports work stress at record-high levels.

3. Most workers say that now is an excellent time to look for a job and are actively searching for something better!

4. Of those team members dissatisfied with their jobs, they know what it would take to improve their working conditions.  The problem is that no one is asking OR listening.


The takeaways here are:

1. The manager is best positioned to keep staff happy, engage with the team, and make the necessary changes.

2. Use employee surveys that are genuinely confidential to understand what the problems are and address them.  This can do nothing but save money in the long run with the cost of hiring and training new team members.

3. Quiet quitters are the folks who can bring the biggest bang for the time invested.  Use them to your advantage – all you have to do is listen and get to work.